So good news, I've been rolling several balls forward since I deduced that the shop was closing, and materials for sewing orders and crafting projects have been flowing in. From Gohn Brothers, more pins; from Edie up in Blissfield, raw mohair from her lovely goats, ready to be washed, dyed, and drum-carded into exciting batts. I packed a box of things from the store to be listed on Etsy in January; made a date with Stasia to pick up all the things she's willing to consign in her shop--the Monday after Christmas.
I'm looking forward to catching up paperwork in the mornings, sewing and listing in the afternoons, unpacking boxes in the evenings after fixing and eating a homemade supper. Less than 2 weeks left to go.
Tomorrow, here in the shop's big commercial kitchen, we've got volunteers coming and we're baking 1000 cookies for the local food pantry--then doing it all over again on the 21st. A commercial-sized roll of parchment paper is ready, another shop owner arranged for the ingredients to be covered by another business, I'm picking up the last ingredient early in the morning. We always said if we had any kind of a business, we would want to use it to benefit the community, not just ourselves, so even as we are checking off our last few days, it's good to know we stuck to our mission statement. Peace.