So, baking two days a week will soon become three days a week. Just ordered candy, another large jam and jelly order, got another piece of furniture and $40 of wood pieces off of Craigslist for crafting Christmas items for the store. Ornaments are in progress, re-doing displays, starting to really get my hopes up for a decent November and December so I can keep the place after the first of the year.
There's scary stuff to owning your own business. We paid a $877 electric bill today out of husband's paycheck, and he's covering rent again this month, as well. Two checks from customers have been returned so have to chase those down (ugh, unpleasant). Waiting on ad artwork from two businesses so I can finish a placemat for the Uptown restaurants to use (Old Town Inn and McKinley's Grill) that advertises several uptown businesses. We're signing up folks to volunteer for a benefit for the local food pantry, we're baking 2000 cookies, 1000 on each of two days to be included in bags of holiday foods to families. I'm making soup once a week--four to five gallons--and making soda breads, hard crack candy, cookies . . . the place gets bigger and better each month, but I still don't know if the next two months will be enough to "turn the tide" and allow us to decide to keep operating.
But it's the Lord's Plan, not my plan, and worst case scenario, I go back to being "just a housewife" and I'll get more prayer time in on my front porch. My home will be a little cleaner and a lot neater and I'll get more sewing done, and have more time to spoil my husband. So I'm plugging along here best I can and giving it my All and we shall see how it all unfolds in the Lord's time. Peace.