But that's okay, means I can get here early, and bag stuff to be tagged out front later (long as it's sealed when it leaves the kitchen, I can label it out here). All the teas from back stock are done and in the displays, so they are stuffed full and looking nice.
Then I sat down and finished all the french seams on this blue blouse, made by recycling the fabric from a linen tablecloth. They are very comfortable and easy to make and cost just thread and the tablecloth, so about $3 each, if that much. I could use about four more of them, so if it's a week or slightly over before I get to the laundry, still have some in the closet ready to wear:
and next, I have a navy blue one here to do, too. And if I am still looking for tasks after that, my knitting bag is hanging up in the corner and I won't turn down a chance to knit for an hour! Still progressing on the 24 pairs of socks I want to have ready by September, to put into the store's showcase for sale.
I could not find a hard candy supplier that didn't use preservatives and artificial colors for their candy, and that seemed a shame. Also, the shipping costs are high, since candy is heavy. So this morning I visited the health department and approached them about whether I'm all set here to make my own peppermint, clove, spearmint, orange, lemon, and root beer candies at the store and sell them.
Also called the parks and rec. department and left a message that I'd love to find a bike rack to put into the urban garden we're making behind the store. People have to chain their bikes to trees and signposts around here, so I thought, that little "dead" area of the garden, just wood chips, next to trash bins, maybe people would like a safe spot to put their bikes. It's up a bit so no mud there, and a place to sit on a bench to sort your packages into your backpack, and near bathrooms to refill a water bottle. Doesn't that sound nicely tied together? Will let you know. Peace.