Here's the Boo,
yeah, that's an untouched photo, taken with my $19 camera. It does weird things with color, but as an artist, I can't completely complain as I kinda like the results. Not so great with the apron pics, but I did get the first two Christmas aprons listed:
and I'm about to do some frame loom weaving. Then some work on the endless pile of knitted mittens. Good thing I was able to buy some from Knit4you, or I'd never even be close to getting done before time to get them all mailed.
Tomorrow, must choose two pies to make and get the stuff, and choose a casserole to make and get that stuff, and be ready for the big T day at husband's father's wife's family's house. Oy! I just want to get my pies there in good shape and not banged up and ugly! Peace.